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Ensuring Your Pets’ Safety During Emergencies

Previous natural disasters have emphasised the critical need for preparedness in case of emergencies. As responsible pet owners, it's essential to include our furry companions in our emergency plans. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you develop an effective emergency plan for your beloved pets.


Importance of Emergency Preparedness for Pets

During stressful times, clear thinking becomes challenging, making it crucial to have a well-thought-out plan to ensure the safety of every family member, including pets. Incorporating pets into your emergency preparedness not only safeguards their wellbeing but also streamlines decision-making during crises.


Building Your Pet Emergency Kit

Supplies Checklist:

  1. Food and Water:

    • Store at least a 5-day supply of canned or dry food in an airtight container.

    • Include 5 days’ worth of water in addition to your family’s needs.

    • Don’t forget a can opener and collapsible bowls for space efficiency.

  2. Medication and Records:

    • Keep necessary medications and vet records in a waterproof container.

    • Ensure microchip details and vaccination records are up to date.

  3. First Aid Kit:

    • Equip your kit with essentials like bandages, scissors, tweezers, and gloves.

    • Consult your vet for any specific first aid requirements.

  4. Comfort Items:

    • Include familiar blankets, toys, and bedding to ease stress.

  5. Equipment:

    • Invest in a sturdy carrier or cage with ample ventilation.

    • Secure collars with ID tags and harnesses for safe transportation.

Implementing Your Plan

Preparation Steps:

  1. Practice Evacuation Drills:

    • Conduct practice runs of your evacuation plan with your household and pets, including scenarios during nighttime.

  2. Stay Informed:

    • Keep abreast of emergency alerts and evacuation orders in your area.

  3. Communication:

    • Discuss emergency arrangements with designated contacts who can care for your pets if you’re unable to.

  4. Remain Vigilant:

    • Monitor your pets’ stress levels and implement calming techniques when needed.


In times of crisis, swift action is paramount to ensure the safety of every family member, including our beloved pets. By meticulously planning and equipping ourselves with the necessary resources, we can navigate emergencies with confidence and safeguard the well-being of our furry companions.

Remember, your local Veterinary clinic is a valuable resource for guidance and support during emergencies. Stay prepared, stay informed, and prioritize the safety of your pets in every emergency.

Your pets depend on you—be prepared, stay safe, and keep them protected.

Disclaimer: This is general information only. It is not intended as medical or health advice and should not be relied on as a substitute for consultation with a qualified healthcare professional who understands your pet's individual needs.

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Sommerville Veterinary Centre

Where we have been putting “pets first” since 1993.